This demo shows how to use the plugin to display a Vimeo Group.
The shortcode used is as follows:
This demo shows how to use the plugin to display a Vimeo Group.
The shortcode used is as follows:
[Vimeo_Channel_Gallery type="group" user="shortfilms" videowidth="900" thumbwidth="135" thumbcolumns="4" maxitems="12" link="1"]
The 'Vimeo Channel Gallery' plugin shows a video and a thumbnail gallery, which are reproduced on the player of a...
This demo shows the use of Twitter themes with a shortcode with the 'Twitter little ticker' theme. Furthermore, I added...
This application is based on the Euskeraz ikasi dictionary by Iker Etxebarria, which is based on the collaborative dictionary I find...
This demo shows the use of Twitter themes with a shortcode with the 'Twitter ticker' theme. Furthermore, I added the...
This demo shows how to use the plugin to display a Vimeo album. I added the following to my...
Twitter themes is a plugin that allows you to show the timeline of a Twitter account. The main difference...
Till now I have only tried the application with browsers based on Webkit, on the desktop and with the...
This first version of the application is focused on the improvement of the user’s experience with respect to Euskeraz ikasi. At...